
Thema: Easy methods to turn YouTube to Samsung YP-F3?


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  • 02.02.2012

    Easy methods to turn YouTube to Samsung YP-F3?

    “Samsung YP-F3 is a pure MP3 player which can support MP3, FLACC, OGG along with WMV audios. And now, I have one. Aside from that, I have found some wonderful music video on YouTube. Can I directly download along with turn the music video from YouTube to MP3 so that it can be played on my MP3 player? How to? ”
    Here, we could use a SWF converter which will download along with turn YouTube to MP3 in high quality together with keep the original quality of the audio.
    So, next we will check out the guide of converting YouTube to MP3 with a SWF converter.
    Download the SWF converter first.
    Step 1: start the program along with load the YouTube video.
    Simply click “browse”- “from URL” to load the YouTube video.

    Then, you'll see a popped-up URL box like the above picture.
    Step 2: Turn to the video playing page in YouTube.

    Copy along with paste the embedded code of the video playing page to a text file. And then, find the “src=”, copy along with paste the below chosen part to the popped-up URL box as the URL address.
    Wait until the video has been completely loaded.
    Step 3: start the export settings by clicking “export”.

    Here you could set the output audio format as MP3 along with choose a folder as the export folder. By the way, you can also just click “rip audio” to turn YouTube to MP3.
    Step 4: press the convert icon to start the YouTube to MP3 conversion.

    Now, the program will start the YouTube to MP3 conversion. The output folder can be automatically opened after the YouTube to MP3 conversion.
    At last, you could enjoy the music on your Samsung YP-F3.


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